Artist’s Statement After a 20 year career in the Air Force and several years in the corporate world I started taking art classes at the local community colleges and found it enjoyable and relaxing. Now that I'm retired full time I spend a lot of time painting. Most of my work is what I consider a realistic/impressionistic style. I have some abstract works but not many. I have experimented with different media but I tend to like the bright colors I get with acrylics and find it easier to blend shades as I’m working. In 2014 I was inspired by an article in Pastel Journal and started working in that media. I really enjoy it and have had some success. Most of my inspiration comes from my motorcycle travels throughout the United States where I take photos that I use as starting points for my landscape paintings. Since I live in Texas I have a lot of Texas scenes but I also return home to visit my family in Indiana so there are some scenes from the midwest as well as some from the southeast. I especially enjoy painting flowers and trees and you will also see several beach and water scenes as I have always felt drawn to the seashore (and I've taken 2 trips to Hawaii recently).

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